
Chiropractic for back and neck pain.


Our chiropractors are experts in neuro-muscular function and skeletal disorders. A visit to our chiropractor will likely involve a multi-level approach to care as adjustments are only a small fraction of what we can do for you. The typical first time chiropractic patient presents with some form of musculoskeletal problem beyond just spine pain. Read more

Active release for sprains/strains and joint pain.

Active Release Therapy

Active Release Techniques (ART) is a non-surgical system of diagnosing and treating myofascial adhesions and scar tissue within muscles, fascia, tendons and ligaments. When soft tissue is injured, it literally “gets stuck”. Muscle fibers then become bound together, forming dense scar tissue or adhesions over time. These adhesions are very problmeatic impeding joint movement, function, circulation and even entrap nerves. Read more

Spinal Decompression for disc bulges and nerve pain.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression effectively manages spinal disc injuries, compression or irritation to the nerves of your spine (ex. Sciatica) and degenerative arthritic changes involving the facet joints. The gentle rhythmic pull helps create a negative pressure on the disc allowing fluids and nutrients to re-hydrate the damaged tissues. Read more

Core strengthening for preventing back and joint pain.

Core Strengthening

Our Core 101 program is a grass roots functional training system that strengthens and improves your ability to perform daily activities. It trains an entire movement - not just a specific muscle. When you squat or lift for example, you’re not just using your leg or arm muscles. It’s a coordinated effort between your nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems that allows for an overall fluid movement. Read more

Radial shockwave is highly effective for plantar fasciitis, elbow, calcifications and joint pain.

Radial Shockwave Therapy

This is an advanced, fast and effective non-surgical method using high pressure sound waves to eliminate scar tissue and reduce many painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system, such as plantar fasciitis and tendonitis. It has also been shown to reduce or eliminate unwanted calcification that can develop on tendons through chronic irritation of the surrounding structures. Read more

Class 4 laser therapy is very effective at reducing inflammation, pain, increasing circulation as well as accelerative tissue healing

Laser Therapy

The Lightforce laser system is the same deep tissue Laser currently adopted by numerous NHL, NFL, MLB, NBA, Olympics and many other Division 1 athletic programs to help resolve pain, resolve inflammation and to significantly accelerate healing at the cellular level. Tissue that is damaged and poorly oxygenated as a result of swelling, trauma, inflammation or during post-surgical recovery, has been shown to respond very well to laser therapy. Read more

You no longer have to suffer from concussions when you seek the care of professionals trained in managing them.

Concussion Management

It is has been well established that concussions tend to go underreported in youth sports. This is typically due to a lack of knowledge in both the signs and symptoms of a concussion, as well as in the proper management of the injury itself. Our program emphasizes a continuum of care from education to injury management and finally a return activities or sport. Read more

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to help reduce pain, inflammation and promote healing.

Medical Acupuncture

Medical acupuncture is quite often referred to as, neurofunctional acupuncture because it is rooted on current concepts of neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, and pathophysiology. Its primary benefit is to restore proper activity of the nervous system by either the up-regulation or down-regulation of specific cellular functions resulting in an increase in pain free movement. Read more

The right customized orthotics can help reduce foot and back pain, as well as result in a better overall posture.

Custom Orthotics

Orthotics are custom made shoe inserts designed to treat disorders caused by faulty biomechanics of the foot. When the foot has lost its arch support, abnormal forces and mechanics develop which lead to pathologies such as plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, metatarsalgia, bunions, ankle sprains and even low back pain. Read more

Compression socks help promote better circulation, decrease fatigue and varicose veins as well as help with ankle swelling.

Medical Compression Socks

Compression socks and stockings are designed to apply gentle pressure to your lower extermities, promoting better blood flow from your legs to your heart. If blood pools in these veins, it can cause a variety of problems including damage to vein valves/walls, ankle swelling, varicose veins and even blood clots. Individuals who should inquire about compression socks, are those that sit or stand for long periods of time, pregnant women and anyone with venous insufficiency issues or active leg swelling. Read more