Laser Therapy

All rights property of LiteCure, LLC.

LightForce is a Class IV system capable of delivering up to 15 Watts of deep, penetrating laser therapy. As laser light is being delivered to the injured tissues, deeper structures become exposed to photonic energy which results in a process called Photobiomodulation (PBM). This process results in beneficial therapeutic outcomes to tissues including but not limited to the alleviation of pain, immunomodulation, promotion of wound healing and tissue regeneration.

For PBM to occur, light needs to reach the mitochondria of the damaged target tissue. When laser therapy is applied to the surface of the skin the best results are achieved when a sufficient amount of light (number of photons) reaches the target tissue. Longer wavelengths and higher power outputs result in a deeper penetration of tissues. In turn, this produces improved and more consistent clinical outcomes. The vast majority of clinics have the lower powered 0.5W Class 3B lasers which are not deep penetrating and require more treatment time. To put it into perspective, if a tissue requires a therapeutic dose of 6000 joules which is typical for a low back injury, it would take a class IV laser approximately 5-8 minutes to administer this dosage, whereby a Class 3B laser would take well over 120 minutes to achieve the same effect. Deeper structures become increasingly more difficult for Class 3B lasers to reach and even tissues that may be more superficial might also be difficult to reach depending on a patient’s body mass composition.

What is Photo-Biomodulation and how does it help?

This is a biochemical effect at the cellular level that results from exposure of living tissue to various dosages of energy at varying wavelengths emitted from lasers. This process triggers a cascade of physiologic effects such as:

Laser Therapy and Deep Tissue Laser TherapyTherapy lasers by LightForce Medical Lasers the industry leader in medical the...

  • Analgesia (decrease in pain)

  • Inflammation reduction

  • Acceleration in tissue repair and would healing

  • Increased circulation and capillary formation in damaged tissue

  • Increased cellular metabolic activity

  • Reduction in scar tissue formation

  • Improved nerve function

  • Stimulation of immunoregulation

  • Stimulation of acupuncture points