
Back and neck pain can be a thing of the past with chiropractic and our program.

Our chiropractors are experts in neuro-muscular function and skeletal disorders. A visit to our chiropractor takes a multi-level approach will likely involve involve soft tissue therapy, more clinical, orthopedic, and even diagnostic testing than you would typically experience at your family doctor’s office, as adjustments are only a small fraction of what we can offer our patients. The typical first time chiropractic patient presents with some form of musculoskeletal problem beyond just spine pain. The modern day chiropractor is far different than the chiropractor of yesterday. Although still based upon many of the same principles that existed over 100 years ago, the practice of chiropractic has evolved with increased knowledge, evidence based research and technology. The typical first time chiropractic patient presents with some form of musculoskeletal problem such as back, hip, knee, foot or neck pain.

Our practitioners continue to take some of the most advanced rehabilitation courses available, such as, Active Release Therapy, Contemporary Medical Acupuncture, Core Strengthening etc, studying far beyond their 4 year doctorate program, advancing their technical and clinical skills, to better unravel what caused your problem in the first place thereby determining the best possible course of care for your condition. Confidence in our doctors is evident on your very first visit.